
Indonesian Night successfully held in AdAsia Taiwan 2015

Aris Boedihardjo and Indira Abidin, Directors of Fortune Indonesia took part in ensuring the success of Indonesian Night in the event AdAsia Taiwan 2015 As part of the preparation for AdAsia 2017 in Bali, Indonesian Advertising Agency Association (P3I) head office held Indonesian Night in the series of events of AdAsia ...

Many Fathers Love, but Do not Know How

Sanggar Fortune and Komunitas Rumah Pencerah Launch the Books Menjadi Orangtua Cerdas and Guru Cahaya Masa Depan Many parents, especially the fathers, love the children but they do not know how to show it. This was stated by Irwan Rinaldi, an activist of Fathers' Roles who has been active in parenting world for 23 ...

Aris Boediharjo, Dirut PT Fortune Indonesia Tbk, 'Lupa Umur' Karena Moge

Profil Direktur Utama PT Fortune Indonesia Tbk, Aris Boediharjo dimuat dalam harian Investor Daily (22/12). Artikel ini menuliskan tentang kecintaan Aris Boediharjo terhadap Motor Gede (Moge) dan juga berbagai pencapaian yang telah beliau capai selama berkarir, khususnya di bidang periklanan. Artikel ini juga memuat tentang penganugerahan The Most Promising Leader ...

UI Students Explore the Opportunities in the Digital World

Vocational Students Majoring in Advertising at University of Indonesia in their Visit to Fortune Indonesia There was a unique story in the student visit to Fortune Indonesia (19/11) this time. Tri Budhi Santoso, Associate Social Manager of DId, Fortune Indonesia challenged the students to see various opportunities, especially in the Digital ...

The Beautiful Acrylic Flowers : Parent Empowerment of PAUD Sanggar Fortune 4

Not only does Sanggar Fortune participate in educating children of the nation by fostering Early Childhood Education (PAUD), now Sanggar Fortune also empowers parents of PAUD students of Sanggar Fortune 4 located on Jl. Keramat, Gg. Damai Cilandak Timur. The mothers were taught to arrange flowers using acrylic materials. The training ...

Warga Mengajar : The Fun Learning of Big and Small

"So, which apple is big?" asked Yulfi pointing at 2 pictures of apples with different sizes. "The big one", shouted some children as they replied innocently. That morning (24/11), the children of Sanggar Fortune 3 located in Lenteng Agung were learning the concept of big and small in English. That ...

Fortune Indonesia Turut Serta Mensukseskan Malam Indonesia di AdAsia 2015 Taiwan

Aris Boedihardjo dan Indira Abidin, Direksi Fortune Indonesia turut serta sukseskan Indonesian Night dalam rangkaian acara AdAsia 2015 Taiwan Sebagai bagian dari persiapan AdAsia 2017 di Bali, Persatuan Perusahaan Periklanan Indonesia (P3I) Pusat, menggelar Indonesian Night (Malam Indonesia) dalam rangkaian acara AdAsia 2015 Taiwan. Acara yang dihadiri oleh kurang lebih 1.000 ...

Fortune Indonesia Attends the AdAsia 2015 Taipei

Fortune Indonesia attended the AdAsia 2015 Taipei event series which was held for three days, November 23-25, 2015, at Marriott Hotel, Taiwan. Represented by Aris Boediharjo and Indira Abidin as the Board of Directors, Fortune Indonesia was present as a participant along with 49 other Indonesian delegations from advertisers, advertising, ...

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