
The Power of Social Media to a Brand

The exponential growth of internet world today has changed the consumer behavior in Indonesia. The market is getting closer to the digital world, just as consumers are getting closely connected to one another. The media has experienced a drastic change with the presence of social media (SocMed) that has brought ...

Creative Ideas for Product Promotion

A creative idea usually comes up from a person’s hectic routines, from observing the surrounding people, or searching for a gap whether or not an idea is good and realizable. In this era, people from all walks of life can come up with very creative ideas for there are demands ...

Super Advertising via Social Media

Nowadays, to run product promotions, advertisers not only use online television and websites as the media but they also start using the social media channels. They begin to use platforms like Facebook and Twitter to interact with their customers through the comments and tweets shared by their customers, while at ...

Role of Integrated Marketing Communications Agency in Business Development

In the early 1980s, the need for integrated promotional tools increased. Companies began to perform IMC process that involves various promotional elements and other marketing activities to communicate with the customers by asking advertising agencies to go beyond traditional standards of advertising. Thus, advertising agencies have welcomed the request by ...

The Important Role of Creativity in Advertising Industry

Creativity, according to Torrance (1988), is the process of sensing and observing problems, making guesses about the deficiencies (problems), evaluating and testing these guesses or hypotheses, then revising and retesting them, and finally communicating the results. This theory is very well suited to the creative process of ad writing. One ...

Business Opportunities Behind Pokemon Go Fever

The game world, especially on smartphones, has become a big sensation. Players are racing out of the house, traveling to a certain location, and catching monsters which are mostly cute and lovable, called Pokemon. Yes, the world is currently crazy about a new game called Pokemon Go. So, what exactly is ...

Mobile Marketing Trend in the Advertising Industry

The marketing tools can come in various forms and advertising is one of them. However, advertising can be a problem if the company does not have sufficient budget. But marketers do not need to worry because there is an affordable advertising tool which is mobile advertising, a form of advertising ...

Marketing Strategy vs. Marketing Plan, What's the Difference?

Oftentimes, many people confuse the difference between marketing strategy and marketing plan. We've found the easiest way to explain the difference between the two, just as follows: Marketing strategy - marketing strategy is an explanation of the goals you want to achieve with all your marketing efforts. It’s the matter of ...

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