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Corporate Reputation: Increasing The Value of Your Company Through CSR

A community-based program to build your corporate reputation by. Muhammad Arif “It takes 20 years to build a reputation and five minutes to ruin it. If you think about that, you’ll do things differently.” -Warren Buffett- When we talk about reputation, what do you think about the advantage of a company with ...

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World War Z : Lahirnya generasi Z

Oleh. Wimpi Handoko   Masih inget film Hollywood “World War Z” dengan peran utama Brad Pitt? Dunia digambarkan penuh dengan para zombie akibat wabah virus. Tapi ini bukan cerita tentang film itu. Ini tentang fenomena yang akan dan sedang dihadapi oleh para pemasar dunia.   Tibanya generasi Z, generasi yang lahir pada awal perubahan millennium ...

Optimizing Twitter to Support Online Marketing

The rapid development of social media today is followed by the transformation of marketing world into inbound marketing. The marketers have massively started using social media as the marketing tools, one of which is twitter. With so many active twitter account users around the world, social media like twitter has ...

Aris Boediharjo: The Most Promising Leader 2015

The Managing Director of PT Fortune Indonesia Tbk. won the Asia Pacific Entrepreneurship Awards 2015 PT Fortune Indonesia Tbk. once again recorded a proud achievement at the end of 2015. The Managing Director of Fortune Group, Aris Boediharjo received a prestigious award from Asia Pacific Entrepreneurship Awards (APEA) 2015 on Wednesday ...

Tren Iklan Digital Berpeluang Naik

TEMPO.CO, Jakarta - PT Fortune Indonesia Tbk optimistis kinerjanya akan membaik memasuki 2016. Direktur Indira Abidin mengatakan pertumbuhan pendapatan bisa bertahan di angka dua digit. Sebelumnya, perusahaan sudah bisa mencapai target pertumbuhan di level dua digit. "Saya tidak bisa memberikan angkanya secara pasti," ucapnya di gedung Bursa Efek Indonesia, Jakarta, Senin, 18 ...

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