
Advertising Get Personals

Shared experiences can shape our perception of a product. Our opinion of a product and the enjoyment and value we get from it doesn’t just come from our personal contact with it. How we perceive an iPhone, for example, is influenced by what we know about a brand — in ...

Content Marketing Strategy for a Smooth-Running Online Business

With today's technology development, advertisers promote their products not only via television and print ads but they also begin to use social media channels. Online business becomes very effective to market goods or products due to the increasing number of internet users worldwide. Since the number of competitors in online ...

Strategies to Creating Great Catchy Ads

There are many ways to create an ad that attracts the attention of many people, but not many ads attempt to create customers. In fact, some of them only emphasize the aspects of attraction. There is no doubt that an ad must be able to attract people's attention. Being attractive ...

Know the benefits of Online Advertising

Online Advertising has topped the chart of advertising mediums. Of late, many brand/business owners rely on internet advertising to sell their products or services. Through this blog, find out some of the benefits of online advertising and how it can benefit your business as a whole. The cost of online advertising ...

Make Competition, Bow to Your Brands

The growth in trade and commerce, does not only signifies good signs for economies but also the increased competition is testing the marketers to survive. Besides all good and the bad outcomes, the need of advertising has been essential for the businesses since years. And when it comes to that, ...

Ads On the Move How Messaging Has Gone Mobile

Mobile usage has become ubiquitous around the globe, and the growth in coverage is opening up media for consumers and content providers alike. Mobile devices are now constant companions in our everyday lives, and they’re becoming an integral way for brands and advertisers to reach consumers as they go about ...

Truth In Advertising

Advertisers and marketers continue to search for that one amazing thing that will improve results. And over the years, the industry has gone back and forth over what actually makes a successful ad. These theories have included: Lots of copy Minimal copy No copy at all Clever images Visual puns Product demonstrations Witty headlines No humor at all Repeating the ...

Mobile Advertising Shopping in Indonesia at the Top in Southeast Asia - The trend of adopting mobile marketing by brands and marketers continues to increase throughout 2011. This is based on the latest quarterly report from BuzzCity. BuzzCity is a mobile media company that offers brand owners and agencies the access to global ad networks on the mobile Internet. The network ...

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