
Soleram: The True Friendship Through Ramadhan and Eid TVC

Entering the fasting month, of course our TV will begin to be filled with advertisements themed Ramadan. Well, we should be proud because Fortune also gave color through TVC Puasa Lebaran Djarum “Proud!" Seemed to be a compact answer from the Soleram team that was trusted by PT Djarum's Corporate Communication ...

Ini Cara Universal Robots Mendorong Kemajuan Otomatisasi Industri di Indonesia

PT JVC Electronics Indonesia sukses meningkatkan produktivitas, kualitas produk dan kesejahteraan karyawannya menggunakan cobots dari Universal Robots, sekaligus menghemat biaya lebih dari USD 80,000   Indonesia, 28 Mei 2018 – Universal Robot, perusahaan robot kolaboratif terkemuka, sukses membantu PT JVC Electronics Indonesia (JEIN) – anak perusahaan elektronik dan produk hiburan global yang ...

HMD Global and Nokia Celebrates Ramadan and Spreads The Spirit of Togetherness with “Kejutan Hari Raya” in Indonesia

Jakarta, Indonesia, 24 May 2018 –Ahead of Hari Raya Eid al-Fitr, HMD Global, the home of Nokia smartphones, a renowned brand that connects Indonesians with smart telecommunication devices, presents a massive promotion campaign with exciting prizesdubbed "Kejutan Hari Raya". Ramadan in Indonesia is closely associated with homecoming, friends, family and their ...

Kecerdasan Buatan (AI), Dari Teknologi Abstrak Hingga Akhirnya Jadi ‘Otak’ Utama Bisnis

Teknologi modern yang disebut Artificial Intelligence (AI) dan machine learning (pembelajaran mesin) sudah mengubah wajah industri IT, memberi cara-cara baru bagi berbagai perusahaan dalam memformulasikan strategi bisnis dan menggali wawasan dari pelanggan, serta membantu badan penelitian memecahkan masalah-masalah yang dihadapi umat manusia. Apa Fungsi Artificial Intelligence Bagi Industri? Dahulu, AI dianggap sebagai ...

Dissemination of Health Insurance by AdMedika

Starting March 19, 2018, Fortune Group has effectively used AdMedika healthcare service for all Fortuners including outpatient, inpatient, and surgical services based on the covered diagnosis. The dissemination of the insurance services was held on April 5, 2018, in the room Agus Salim I in Galaktika Building, South Jakarta. As the ...

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