
Characteristics of a Leader

Reading John C. Maxwell's book "Good Leaders Ask Great Questions", I learned so many things from the book. This time I take some points from the book to be written here. To develop a company into an even bigger business, it needs support from many leaders. The question is how ...

Keeping and Maximizing Brand Value

By. Thomas Franky Managing Director  Company sometimes face challenges like how to maintain the quality of their products and how to keep the quantity of the customers high in the market. Entering the glorious days of global ASEAN-Economic Community, the effort seems to be more challenging as every competitor runs the same ...

Learning from 25 Prophets' Characters

"Who knows the story of prophet Nuh?" asked Diah to dozens of students of Sanggar Fortune 2, Ragunan. In the moments of Ramadan, on Thursday, June 16, 2016, Teaching Tribute (Warga Mengajar) came again with the theme "Learning from 25 Prophets' Characters". Diah Andrini Dewi (PR Consultant, Fortune PR) and ...
advertising agency indonesia

The Development of Advertising Agencies in Indonesia

advertising agency indonesia Advertising companies are increasingly prevalent in Indonesia along with the technological development and globalization with a fast business cycle. Advertising companies are required to think fast, smart, innovative, and creative so that the clients will be satisfied and the agency will receive multiple benefits of its works. ...

FORU Holds Annual General Meeting of Shareholders 2016

FORU called a General Meeting of Shareholders 2016 on Wednesday, June 1, 2016 in Galaktika Building on the 4th Floor. In the AGM, FORU announced the increase in Operating Revenue amounted to 6.82% at IDR 431, 9 billion in 2015 from IDR 404, 32 billion in 2014. "FORU’s Comprehensive Income ...

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