
Green Pramuka Ikut Mendukung Program Pemerintah Melalui Event Magnolia Fiesta Festival Jajanan Kampoeng Nusantara

Pengembang Apartement Green Pramuka Mendukung Program Cashless Society sekaligus Memanjakan Selera Pecinta Kuliner dengan Menghadirkan Ragam Kuliner Nusantara yang Dapat Dinikmati Secara Gratis Jakarta, 29 Oktober 2017, Green Pramuka City sebagai pengembang yang kredibel, pada hari ini kembali menunjukkan komitmennya dalam memberikan layanan terbaik dengan menghadirkan sebuah event bertajuk Magnolia ...

Oracle Talent Management Cloud Membantu Transformasi Digital Melalui Peningkatan Kemampuan Pegawai

25 Oktober 2017 – Banyak perusahaan yang mungkin sudah mengklaim melakukan ‘digitisasi’. Namun, apakah mereka sudah membentuk suatu integrasi yang menyeluruh baik di dalam maupun di luar perusahaan?   Selama bertahun-tahun, Oracle menyadari dengan adanya arsitektur digital yang dinamis, ditambah kombinasi antara teknologi, proses, dan sumber daya manusia, semua ini dapat menghasilkan ...

Fortune Group Officially Applies Clean Desk Policy

After more than two weeks of notification, Fortune Group started to apply the clean desk policy by the end of September 2017. Through the implementation of this policy, Fortune Group urges all Fortuners not to leave any items on their desks when they leave the office except the telephone as ...

Navya's Sobi Sabi Show Breaks One Million Viewers

Since the end of July 2017, Navya and client have released Sobi Sabi Show as the continuation of Sobi Sabi web series. To date, 6 episodes have aired. "Initially we were inspired by the MTV Bujang a while back where the interaction between the host, guest stars, and the audience ...

Sanggar Fortune Donates Books and Gently-Worn Clothes

On August 30, 2017, Sanggar Fortune as part of KITA Bercerita donated 500 books to Taman Bacaan Masyarakat (Community Reading Garden) in Cilandak area. The distribution of this donation is still part of the Negeri Cerita event held on July 29, 2017, at Pejaten Village Mall. This Taman Bacaan Masyarakat is ...

The Advantages of Having Engaging Ads

Advertisements are everywhere, but not all ads are successful ones. Each advertising method has its own advantages. All advertisers certainly strive to achieve positive results. In addition to the apparent advantages such as the increased sales and revenue, successful advertisements or advertising campaigns generate other significant things to keep your ...

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