
Empowered by Simple Things: Sanggar Fortune Holds Workshop on Entrepreneurship to Empower the Fostered PAUDs

On Thursday, February 18, 2016, entrepreneurial spirit arose from the Entrepreneurship Workshop held by Sanggar Fortune. That day all teacher representatives of PAUD Sanggar Fortune were present to explore entrepreneurial knowledge and strategies. Each representative of PAUD Sanggar Fortune was asked to propose entrepreneurial ideas that will be implemented, such ...

Let’s Make a Plan!

Planning is fundamental to do when making a campaign program. In planning we set goals, strategies, until the flow of the execution of a campaign. Given the vital functions of planning, the division of Knowledge Management of Fortune Indonesia Group held a Strategic Planning Workshop on February 11, 2015. Edhy ...

For Dona (Fortune Donation)

For Dona (Fortune Donation) was held to entertain the entire Fortuners with music, as well as to pamper Fortuners' palate with a variety of delicious snacks ranging from Swedish Meatball, Honey Potato, Cheese sticks, Spaghetti, Bubur Sumsum, Es Sirup Tjampolay, pudding, etc. All these tasty foods are the creations of Fortune's chefs ...

Fortune Indonesia Berencana Rambah Bisnis Mobile Advertising

JAKARTA (IndoTelko) – PT Fortune Indonesia Tbk (FORU) akan masuk ke bisnis mobile advertising sebagai salah satu strategi menopang pendapatan. “Nanti ada mitra yang digandeng. Di Fortune global, pengembangan mobile advertising ini sudah berkembang di India, lalu mereka melihat pasar Indonesia,” ungkap Direktur Utama Fortune Indonesia Aris Boediharjo, kemarin. Diperkirakannya, layanan terbaru ...

Develop Children's Imagination through Storytelling

Storytelling, though it looks simple, has many benefits for children's development. Through storytelling, we can build a child's imagination and creativity, instill moral values, as well as provide new knowledge for children. Moreover, the storytelling moment may become an opportunity for quality time between children and parents. Recognizing the importance ...

Fortune Rambah Bisnis Mobile Advertising

JAKARTA - PT Fortune Indonesia Tbk (FORU) bakal merambah bisnis mobile advertising sebagai salah satu upaya menggenjot kinerja tahun ini. Perusahaan komunikasi yang dikendalikan oleh PT Rajawali Corpora tersebut membidik pertumbuhan laba bersih 23 persen dan pendapatan 18 persen sepanjang 2016. Direktur Utama Fortune Indonesia Aris Boediharjo mengatakan, perseroan akan menggandeng ...

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