
Sadari Pentingnya Investasi Kesehatan bagi Anak, Hankook Tire Indonesia Kembali Adakan Program Pengobatan Gratis

Jakarta, 30 Agustus 2017 – Hankook Tire Indonesia kembali menunjukkan kepeduliannya terhadap masyarakat di sekitar pabrik beroperasi dengan mengadakan kegiatan Pengobatan Gratis pada Rabu (30/8). Program yang rutin diadakan setiap tahun ini berlangsung di klinik pabrik Hankook Tire Indonesia dan ditujukan bagi siswa-siswi Sekolah Dasar (SD) yang berdomisili di wilayah ...

Supporting Online Business through Offline Advertising

Improve Traffic. Generate sales. Raise profit. For businesses that are using websites, the above phrases serve as encouragement. However, some business people failed to make them happen. This is because there is some kind of unwritten code of the web advertisement. You will only succeed on the internet if you use online ...

Hankook Tire Indonesia Shared Happiness with the Orphans

Jakarta, August 23, 2017 - Leading tire manufacturer Hankook Tire Indonesia again showed its concern towards the surrounding communities through providing donation to the orphans on Friday (11/8). The donation program conducted at Al-Mubarokah Orphanage, Lebak Bulus South Jakarta, was participated by Hankook Tire employees and management.   "Through this program we ...

Fortune PR’s Sweet Achievements in July 2017

BLOCK71 trusts Fortune PR to partner up for a launching event last July 2017.   Jakarta, 19 September 2016, PT. Fortune Pramana Rancang (Fortune PR), the leading strategic communications consultant in Indonesia announced its successful achievement in making partnerships with BLOCK71. Adapted from the success of Singapore entrepreneurship Center at BLOCK71-JTC LaunchPad ...

Fortune Group’s Fun Independence Day Celebration

Photo: Employees from Fortune Group participated in various of Independence Day contest.   August 18th, 2017, Celebrating Indonesia’s 72nd anniversary of independence, Fortune Group held various and fun competitions for internal employees on the 4th floor of Galaktika Building, Ragunan, South Jakarta from 4 to 6 pm Dressed festively in red and white, ...

Oracle Membantu Perusahaan dalam Menghadapi Perubahan Pasar dengan Inovasi Supply Chain Management Cloud

Enam aplikasi baru dan ratusan kemampuan baru ditambahkan di solusi manajemen rantai suplai untuk meningkatkan pengalaman pelanggan dan mendukung model bisnis yang didorong oleh permintaan   22 Agustus 2017 - Untuk membantu perusahaan memenuhi tuntutan bisnis yang berubah dengan cepat, Oracle mengumumkan perluasan solusi Oracle Supply Chain Management (SCM) Cloud yang ...

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