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Mobile Marketing Trend in the Advertising Industry

The marketing tools can come in various forms and advertising is one of them. However, advertising can be a problem if the company does not have sufficient budget. But marketers do not need to worry because there is an affordable advertising tool which is mobile advertising, a form of advertising ...

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The Important Role of Marketing Agency on Product Marketing

A company must need certain tools to market its products well and on target. To build the business and promotion to consumers, product marketing requires tools such as brochures, press releases, websites, and trademark presentations. The task of a marketer is to conduct an integrated and consistent cross-linked approach in ...

Tips To Stay Fresh At Work During Fasting

Mohammad Muslihin Media Relations Officer, Fortune PR Usually after suhoor, I get used to not sleeping again. After that, I go to the office earlier and during Ramadan I usually arrive at the office at 7 am. If I feel tired, I usually rest and nap even if it’s only for five ...

Favorite Places on Ramadhan

Jodie Lazuardie Senior Art Director of Fortune Indonesia In this fasting month, I choose Ketjil Kitchen to break the fast with my colleagues. The location is at Gandaria, Kebayoran Baru, South Jakarta. Not only does it have convenient location for gathering, it also offers various menus ranging from Indonesian to Western food. ...

Instilling Religious Values in Children from an Early Age

Firzi S. Abidin Digital Business Unit Director of Fortune Indonesia When did you start working in this company? I started to join this company in 2001. When you first joined, what position did you get and what did you do for the company? Initially, I joined the management system. When I started my job here, the ...

Stylish but Still Sharia

Windhi Astuti Account Director of Fortune Indonesia What does appearance mean in your job? I think appearance is important. First, my job requires me to be the face of the company. So I have to look fascinating and presentable to attract clients to cooperate and have trust with our company. Secondly, for me personally, ...

Jurus Jitu Menarik Hati Investor Lewat Media Sosial dan Media Massa

Jakarta, 17 September 2014 – Asosiasi Pemerintah Kabupaten Seluruh Indonesia (APKASI) dan Badan Kerja Sama Badan Usaha Milik Daerah Seluruh Indonesia (BKSBUMDSI) segera menggelar BUMD Expo pada 17-19 Desember 2014 di JX International, Surabaya, Jawa Timur. Mempersiapkan hal itu tentunya dibutuhkan strategi menarik investor sehingga BUMD seluruh Indonesia mampu bersaing ...

Content Marketing in Social Media for Franchise Success

In the last decade, the existence of internet gives a big influence in the development of a brand, including franchise brands. It is important for franchisors to pay attention to consumers' interest. APJII (Indonesian Internet Service Providers Association) reveals that Internet users in Indonesia reach 71.19 million in 2013. In ...

Pemasaran Konten di Media Sosial Untuk Keberhasilan Waralaba

Dalam dekade terakhir, keberadaan internet memberikan andil yang cukup besar dalam pembangunan sebuah merek, tak terkecuali merek waralaba. Penting sekali bagi para pemilik waralaba untuk memperhatikan minat konsumennya. APJII (Asosiasi Pengguna Jasa Internet Indonesia) menyebutkan bahwa pengguna internet di Indonesia mencapai jumlah 71,19 juta jiwa pada tahun 2013. Selain itu ...

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