
The Benefits of Digital Marketing for Your Business Development

The exponential growth of technology, the digital world, and the Internet has impacted on the shift in marketing trends in the world; the conventional marketing trend (offline) began to switch to the digital marketing trend (online). Digital marketing is now a more prospective marketing strategy because potential customers start buying ...

Marketing Strategies Based On Generation Behavior

Every turn of the year marks the emergence of the generation to come. As this generation grows up and the behavior of those born within the years reaches a full homogeneity, the characteristic of the new generation is emerging. The younger generation will always enjoy the progress made by the ...

The Role of Social Media in Business Marketing Strategies

Social brand recognition, public engagement, social advertising, and ROI are a few of the components that a brand needs to consider or when entering into the social media realm. Social networking, where clients or consumers interact, becomes a tool for a brand to reach its audience. Utilizing social media channels like ...

Snapchat Vs Instagram, Which is Appropriate for Your Business?

Since Instagram Stories was launched, many people have used the feature and compared it with the feature in Snapchat. After performing some experiments, it appears that the Stories feature on Instagram and Snapchat are not entirely similar to each other. The advertising industries in Jakarta and Indonesia, in particular, need ...

Word-of-Mouth Marketing in the Digital Age

The advancement of technology that leads to the emergence of social media in today's digital age has changed the way consumers receive marketing messages and perceive advertising. The whole process of buying a product has changed, and traditional advertising has begun to lose its meaning and influence. To some extent, Paid ...

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Mobile Marketing Trend in the Advertising Industry

The marketing tools can come in various forms and advertising is one of them. However, advertising can be a problem if the company does not have sufficient budget. But marketers do not need to worry because there is an affordable advertising tool which is mobile advertising, a form of advertising ...

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The Important Role of Marketing Agency on Product Marketing

A company must need certain tools to market its products well and on target. To build the business and promotion to consumers, product marketing requires tools such as brochures, press releases, websites, and trademark presentations. The task of a marketer is to conduct an integrated and consistent cross-linked approach in ...

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