Snapchat Vs Instagram, Which is Appropriate for Your Business?

snapchatvsinstagramSince Instagram Stories was launched, many people have used the feature and compared it with the feature in Snapchat. After performing some experiments, it appears that the Stories feature on Instagram and Snapchat are not entirely similar to each other. The advertising industries in Jakarta and Indonesia, in particular, need to know the differences and similarities of these two applications to determine which media is effective and efficient to capture consumers. Now let’s first check out the similarities of Snapchat and Instagram.

Both Snapchat and Instagram Stories let us post videos that will disappear after 24 hours with certain time duration. Both applications also provide markup tools like photo filters, emoticons, and text. The videos or photos created and edited can also be saved. However, those are seemingly the only similarities that the two applications have.

Now let’s discuss the differences.
Instagram Stories has a feature of swiping to the left or right of the stories, while on Snapchat, we must repeat from the beginning of the video. In terms of flexibility, it is obvious that Instagram Stories feature has more advantages. Suppose we have blasted a video and there are some parts we want to see again. On Instagram Stories, we can just click left or right on the video to the part we want, while on Snapchat, we need to watch it from the beginning. Not everyone wants to re-watch the video from the beginning unless they are deeply interested in it, right?

Instagram is able to extend the range of its audience by using tags and activity features to view other users’ activities (like, view, and comment), while Snapchat must expand its connection by promoting the Snapchat account with no tags, no other features, and just by spreading manually by word of mouth or making it appear on the discover section. Even sometimes in order that people know our Snapchat account, we have to post a photo with our snapchat account on Instagram. The audience is limited only to Snapchat users.

On Snapchat, we cannot re-view the old messages. Snapchat emphasizes timing. This will be troublesome if the message sent is coupons or important notes. However, on the one hand, this feature can create a sense of urgency that keeps the readers focused on the message content because the message cannot be resent. Instagram Stories can be seen by everyone, unlike Snapchat where users have to pay for Discover feature if we have not followed the account. Therefore, using Instagram Stories will certainly reduce the advertising cost.

Considering this comparison, which do you think is more appropriate for business promotion, Instagram or Snapchat?
