Effectiveness of Integrated Marketing Communication Agency on Brand Awareness

Brand AwarenessIntegrated Marketing Communication (IMC) is part of the marketing activities that occur because a product needs to communicate itself to the target audience or consumers. IMC has a big hand to get a brand top of mind for consumers. Why? Because the goal of Integrated marketing communication is to produce the best Return of Investment (ROI) and strong and high brand. Moreover, some business people have recently used this concept because it covers a wide scope ranging from effectiveness, efficiency, investment and so forth covering time, cost, and coordination of communication among brands or companies.

Integrated Marketing Communication Theory is a concept found in Don Schultz’s book in the 1980s, but today this concept is widely presented by experts in different viewpoints. This concept helps to integrate the communication messages to its fullest both in the above the line and below the line programs. Therefore, this concept becomes the suitable medium for improving the recall process of the brand.

IMC process involves various promotional elements and other marketing activities to communicate with the customers. This is what companies have commenced and ask advertising agencies to go beyond traditional standards of advertising. Thus, advertising agencies give it a warm welcome by combining and developing tools for Public Relations, Sales Promotion, Direct Marketing and then refer themselves as Integrated Marketing Communications agency that provides One Stop Service for all promotional needs of the company.

A company carrying out its business development could benefit from Integrated Marketing Communications since it helps business people to quickly adapt to changes in technology and media as a whole, like Internet Media that is growing very rapidly with the online transactions, and to changes in traditional media such as TV, radio, and print media that are getting more specific and segmented to make it easier for the customers to receive the message. .
Putting it in simple words, IMC can be defined as “The process of managing customer relationships that drives brand awareness.” Whereas specifically, IMC can be defined as “a process that has a cross function in creating and maintaining profitable relationships with customers and other clients by controlling and strategically affect all messages sent to this group and driving dialogue with a specific purpose to them.

Integrated Marketing Communications in Indonesia has grown rapidly, such as on gadgets, especially smartphones. Smartphones have now become something that people should take anywhere they go. The products advertised using the IMC strategy are very successful, just see how the products have changed the behavior of the customers. In the morning, afternoon, even until at night before falling asleep, many people can not be separated from their smartphones. This is one of the best IMC strategies.