
Berkolaborasi dengan Sinar Mas Land, Binar Academy Merambah Jabodetabek Melalui Digital Hub BSD City

Sukses melahirkan 400 engineer di Yogyakarta, kini Binar Academy membuka akademi baru di BSD City. Meski baru berusia satu tahun, tapi jumlah murid yang terdaftar di Binar Academy sudah lebih dari 10.000 orang. Hal tersebut menyebabkan antrean panjang sehingga kandidat yang mendaftar baru bisa memulai menikmati masa didiknya pada bulan April 2019. ...

WhatsApp Status Monetizing Stories with Ads in The Near Future

WhatsApp ads are coming. Since Facebook acquired WhatsApp, the parent company has been trying to figure out a way to make their investment profitable by advertising on the platform. However, with restraints like end-to-end encryption, the company struggled with introducing chat-based advertisement. Enter Status feature. This feature, that is similar to ...

Sinar Mas Land Bersama Apple Developers Academy Menggelar Roadshow ‘Digital Hub Goes to Campus’ di Universitas Multimedia Nusantara (UMN)

Sinar Mas Land bersama dengan Apple Developers Academy, menggelar acara seminar Digital Hub Goes to Campus dengan tema “How To Be A Digipreneur”, di Universitas Multimedia Nusantara (UMN). Acara ini dihadiri oleh Alamanda Santika – Founder Binar Academy yang juga merupakan Ex. Vice President Gojek Indonesia, untuk memberikan motivasi serta materi “How to be ...

Life in Mobile

As one of the countries with the largest population in the world, it is inevitable that Indonesia, as a country with very rapid Internet usage growth, becomes a very potential market. This condition is directly proportional to the growth of smartphone users in Indonesia. If we look back at the year ...

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