
Advertising Trends to Watch in 2019 and Beyond

The slow death of traditional advertising vehicles (TV, newspapers), the rise of new ones (mobile, video) and the rise of a new generation of consumers who simply will not be interrupted (millennials, Gen Z), means those responsible for spreading the word about products or services are going to have to ...

Fortune Indonesia Berencana Rambah Bisnis Mobile Advertising

JAKARTA (IndoTelko) – PT Fortune Indonesia Tbk (FORU) akan masuk ke bisnis mobile advertising sebagai salah satu strategi menopang pendapatan. “Nanti ada mitra yang digandeng. Di Fortune global, pengembangan mobile advertising ini sudah berkembang di India, lalu mereka melihat pasar Indonesia,” ungkap Direktur Utama Fortune Indonesia Aris Boediharjo, kemarin. Diperkirakannya, layanan terbaru ...

Fortune Rambah Bisnis Mobile Advertising

JAKARTA - PT Fortune Indonesia Tbk (FORU) bakal merambah bisnis mobile advertising sebagai salah satu upaya menggenjot kinerja tahun ini. Perusahaan komunikasi yang dikendalikan oleh PT Rajawali Corpora tersebut membidik pertumbuhan laba bersih 23 persen dan pendapatan 18 persen sepanjang 2016. Direktur Utama Fortune Indonesia Aris Boediharjo mengatakan, perseroan akan menggandeng ...

Mobile Marketing Trend in the Advertising Industry

The marketing tools can come in various forms and advertising is one of them. However, advertising can be a problem if the company does not have sufficient budget. But marketers do not need to worry because there is an affordable advertising tool which is mobile advertising, a form of advertising ...

Young Generation, a Potential Target for Mobile Advertising

One of the elements of marketing strategy is to analyze the target market suitable for the product or service. If by chance the main target is teenagers and young people, then marketers will have the opportunity to attract these users of the internet technology to be the audience. They also ...

In Search of High Marketing Tools

The marketing tools can come in various forms and advertising is one of them. However, advertising can be a problem if the company does not have sufficient budget. But marketers do not need to worry because there is an affordable advertising tool which is mobile advertising, a form of advertising ...

Mobile Marketing Trends

The mobile ads have received positive recognition in the advertising industry. The media, like mobile phones and mobile devices, are the devices behind the success of mobile advertising. The mobile phone has become a personal tool for everyone. People always carry their phones anywhere and anytime. This is the reason ...

Mobile Advertising Features

The mobile advertising industry has achieved significant results in recent years. Studies have proven that the number of phones sold increases every year. Mobile phones have become a personal tool for everyone regardless of age, gender, or income level. Below are some features of mobile advertising: The mobile phone offers a ...

Why It's Time to Get Excited About Digital Advertising

It would be easy to be bearish on the monetization prospects of social media. The lackluster performance of high profile IPOs has created a wave of negative headlines that has much of Wall Street (and Main Street) convinced that the space is a lot of hype, and maybe even the ...

Anytime, Any Place, Anywhere (Revolution)

When Google chief executive Eric Schmidt talks, people tend to listen. In January 2008, the search giant went public about its ambitions for mobile search when Schmidt told heavy-hitters at the Davos global economic conference that mobile advertising was poised for a "huge revolution". Google is rarely wrong, but some ...

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