
Content Marketing in Social Media for Franchise Success

In the last decade, the existence of internet gives a big influence in the development of a brand, including franchise brands. It is important for franchisors to pay attention to consumers' interest. APJII (Indonesian Internet Service Providers Association) reveals that Internet users in Indonesia reach 71.19 million in 2013. In ...

Social Media Guide for Beginners

Social media marketing is the process of gaining awareness, attention and also web traffic through the social media platform. Every online marketer needs to have a product, a service, a goal and a cause to promote through the world wide web. If you already have those things in your mind, ...

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Unique Communication a la Starbucks CEO

It is so common that comic books tell stories about superheroes like Superman, Batman, Spiderman, Incredible Hulk, and Captain America. However, some time ago a comic book about Howard Schultz was launched. Howard is not a hero with a superpower. He is just an ordinary man who happens to build one ...

Social Media as a Promotional Tool

Many small businesses are still hesitant to embrace social media citing the fact that they don't really understand how social networking services can help increase their sales. However, recent studies have been conducted and the results are expected to help small business owners to feel confident in using social media as ...

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Social Media in Indonesia

Indonesian social media analysis, SalingSilang, released a report on Indonesia’s social media landscape. Twitter 86.9% of tweets are sent via mobile phones, with 12% of them are published from websites. Blackberry has become the dominant handset for Twitter users since it features UberSocial (a popular Twitter app) and official BlackBerry Twitter app ...

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Pengguna Twitter memberikan Efek Lebih Banyak daripada Sosial Network Lainnya

Sekarang dan seterusnya, adalah saat bagi brand dan perusahaan untuk mulai memahami bagaimana dunia yang selalu update dan real-time Twitter dapat mempengaruhi cara konsumen memberikan penilaian pada mereka. Dengan adanya saluran komunikasi yang berbeda-beda dan social network baru yang bermunculan setiap harinya, wajar rasanya untuk memahami apabila suatu brand cenderung ...

CopperVision: Brand Lensa Kontak yang Sukses di Media Sosial

Kesuksesan sebuah brand memanfaatkan social media untuk membangun engagement dilihat dari banyaknya partisipasi yang terjadi di dalam komunitas social media tersebut. Semakin banyak respons publik terhadap komunikasi yang dilakukan oleh brand, bisa dibilang semakin sukses brand tersebut dalam social media. Salah satu brand yang sukses melantai di social media adalah ...

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