Unique Communication a la Starbucks CEO

It is so common that comic books tell stories about superheroes like Superman, Batman, Spiderman, Incredible Hulk, and Captain America. However, some time ago a comic book about Howard Schultz was launched.
Howard is not a hero with a superpower. He is just an ordinary man who happens to build one of the strongest brands on earth. The comic book produced by Blueprint Production was launched under the title Howard Schultz: The Man Behind Starbucks.
Admittedly, this comic book is a unique way of communicating a brand. It becomes an inspiration for PR practitioners who are looking for effective ways to showcase their CEOs in a humane way.
It is undeniable that a CEO is the face of a brand. Presenting the CEO in a friendlier image has become a necessity in the era of social media. That way, the audience will feel more comfortable communicating with them.
The presence of social media has changed the way consumers perceive a brand. For consumers, the brand is no longer a mere product name they are using. The brand has become part of the identity.
Therefore, they want to know further about the brand. Not only do they consume them, but they also “befriend” the brand. This requires the CEO to approach the customers in a friendly fashion. We will certainly prefer to make friends with a friendly person, right?
Besides the comic book, such as that used by Howard Schultz, there are several media that CEOs can use to build close relationships with the customers of their brand
Compared to social media that looks lively and glamorous, a blog looks simpler. A blog seems to be more quiet and calm. And that’s what makes this media very appropriate to introduce and tell the audience about the CEO.
Writing a blog several times a week can be a way for CEOs to talk about their passion, hobbies, and other interesting stories to the audience.
Let the audience know the other side of the CEOs. Show them that they are not the people who put money and business above all else. CEOs are also human who might share quite similar interests and hobbies with the audience.
For the CEOs who love to have a conversation, a podcast may be a great tool for them to get closer to the customers. They can chat with their customers through podcasts every week.
The chat about the company or industry is not necessarily the topic. Instead, it’s a casual conversation about their brand values and how to relate them to larger issues in the society.
Bringing up the CEO’s the personal opinions wouldn’t do the company any harm. It just shows the audience that your CEO is also into other things besides their business.
Video has proved to be a powerful medium to communicate things. However, we need to be shrewd in selecting what will be displayed in the video.
If your CEO regularly plays tennis with his friends or he never misses his children’s basketball games, then the video is the right media to use. You can show videos performing his routines.
It will show a different side of the CEO. It’s always interesting to watch someone who looks serious in his day to day activities hangs out with friends and family.
In the end, whatever media we choose, the message is the most crucial thing. If CEOs want to be accepted by their audience, they must present their true self.
However friendly they seem in the video, if they have no desire to open themselves up to their customers, whatever media they are using will not have much effect.