
Super Advertising via Social Media

Nowadays, to run product promotions, advertisers not only use online television and websites as the media but they also start using the social media channels. They begin to use platforms like Facebook and Twitter to interact with their customers through the comments and tweets shared by their customers, while at ...

Instagram Features to Support Your Business

Social media has become one of the tools of advertising and increasing brand awareness for a business. The low cost, the engagement with the public, and the exclusive nature are the main reasons why a business needs to use social media. One of the social media sites people love is ...

Optimizing Twitter to Support Online Marketing

The rapid development of social media today is followed by the transformation of marketing world into inbound marketing. The marketers have massively started using social media as the marketing tools, one of which is twitter. With so many active twitter account users around the world, social media like twitter has ...

Effectiveness of Social Media in Supporting Online Marketing

Social Media Effectiveness - With the advancement of technology today, advertisers promote their products not only using online television media and websites but they also start using social media channels. They begin using platforms like Facebook and Twitter to interact with their customers through comments and tweets shared by their ...

Is Facebook Good For Your Business?

Once your up and running, it's absolutely essential to interact with your customers and not just trumpet your latest products. We are talking about social media here so its no good just seeing Facebook as yet another means of selling stuff. One of the biggest problems to overcome is the attitude ...

How to Get the Wrong Kind of Attention

I watched recently, as someone on Twitter asked his followers if they would recommend a blog for him to read. He specifically asked people not to send him a link to their own blog. I asked him afterwards what feedback he received. He said all, except one person, tweeted a link ...

Karakteristik Blogger yang Sukses

Ingin menambah jumlah followers di blog Anda? Ini beberapa kuncinya: Konsistensi Menulislah dengan kualitas dan kekerapan yang konsisten. Update blog Anda lebih dari sehari sekali. Jadikan blog Anda sebagai "koran" dan "majalah" bagi para followers Anda. Jika Anda tidak dapat melakukannya setiap hari, buatlah jadwal yang pasti. Jika para pembaca ...

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