
Choose the Right Advertising Agency

As the creative agencies in Indonesia are emerging, it is acknowledged that advertisement has been at the core of brand building and marketing of a company. The greater competition has urged companies to create more superior products or services. Of course to realize it is not as easy as imagined. ...

Effectiveness of Social Media in Supporting Online Marketing

Social Media Effectiveness - With the advancement of technology today, advertisers promote their products not only using online television media and websites but they also start using social media channels. They begin using platforms like Facebook and Twitter to interact with their customers through comments and tweets shared by their ...

Tujuh Disiplin Agar Brand Tetap Remaja

Beberapa tahun lalu siapa yang tak kenal  dengan nama-nama kondang seperti ILP dan Primagama? Namun kini sayang sekali, ILP tak ada di laman pertama google untuk pencarian “kursus bahasa Inggris” yang didominasi kompetitornya, sementara Primagama tak nyaring lagi bunyinya seiringan dengan kasus keuangan yang melandanya. Di bidang telekomunikasi kita pun ...

Menjaga Brand Terus Remaja ala KFC

Oleh Indira Abidin Waktu saya SD teman-teman sekelas saya senang sekali merayakan ulang tahun di KFC yang dulu kami sebut “Kentucky.” “Makan di Kentucky” adalah suatu hal yang sangat trendy, terutama saat Mc Donald belum ada di Indonesia. Dengan berjalannya waktu, banyak brand yang ngehits saat itu menjadi kusam, terkesan ...

Does your Brand “Stick” in the Consumer Mind?

If certain music is served as it were a kind of delicacy in the consumers' experience, then play the music as often as possible. The marketing and advertising experts need to compose a tone commercial enough to be sung by a choir over and over again so that the consumers ...

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