
Brands Are Humans

Peter and Paul were close friends, since years. Their closeness even would allow one rob Peter to pay Paul and vice versa. And for that, neither Peter did mind ever nor did Paul. bWhen Peter began to date his childhood crush Patricia, Paul started courting his long cherished dream of ...

When Ads Gets (Too) Personal

The other day I watched my first episode of Mad Men. I'm a little late to the game, I know, but that's what having Netflix, Hulu Plus, and Comcast on Demand are for. The irony of using anytime, commercial-free media to watch advertisers work in a world with only three television channels ...

Unique Communication a la Starbucks CEO

It is so common that comic books tell stories about superheroes like Superman, Batman, Spiderman, Incredible Hulk, and Captain America. However, some time ago a comic book about Howard Schultz was launched. Howard is not a hero with a superpower. He is just an ordinary man who happens to build one ...

The Kind of Advertisement That Grabs People's Attention

In this increasingly sophisticated world, creating ads seems to be much easier for us. Ads can be produced for either print, electronic, or other media. So, what kind of ads can attract the attention of many visitors? Generally, every ad attracts visitors, yet it depends on how attractive we make our ...

The Advantages with an Advertising Agency

The purpose of an advertising agency is to sponsor the products, services and the public picture of its customers. Whether large or small, this is essentially what all advertising agencies do, or are supposed to do anyway. The benefits of an advertising agency prove if their efforts are successful and ...

What Is A Secondment And What Are The Benefits?

A secondment is where an employee temporarily changes job roles within the same company  or transfers to another organisation for an agreed period of time. Secondments can be to organisations within the private or public sector, or to a non profit making organisation, such as a charity or government body, ...

9 Tips to Communicate your B2B Business Successfully

by Thomas Franky, Associate Director of Fortune Technology Every B2B Company wants to be perceived as a leader in its chosen market space. This also happens in Indonesian B2B industry. However, considering media landscape of Indonesia today, many B2B companies find it very challenging to communicate their businesses to Indonesian market, ...

The Best Advertising is Sincere

In the thrones of apprehending the future of advertising, much has been, and will be, said about new channels, emergent technologies, innovative measurement protocols, morphing agency roles and the like; much less, probably, about how we actually create marketing that works, that's worth consuming, and that's worth running in any ...

Menjadi Marketing Yang Handal

Marketing, mungkin ketika Anda membaca ataupun mendengar kata ini langsung terbayang dipikiran bahwa Marketing itu adalah salesman dan ,saleswoman, yang sering Anda lihat dimana pun yang menawarkan produk barang maupun pun jasa dari berbagai macam perusahaan. Marketing adalah ujung tombak yang menjadikan suatu perusahaan akan meraih kesuksesan atau kemunduran. Marketing ...

The Importance of the Young Consumer Market

As a young consumer's purchasing power, market size, and family influence increase, it becomes vital for marketers to understand this unique market. Understanding the young consumer market includes examining consumption symbolism, since this phenomenon peaks in adolescence and influences young consumers choice behavior as well as potentially influencing prejudice and ...

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