
Direct Marketing Techniques Improve Campaign Results

There's also plenty of information available on the internet to help you expand your knowledge, besides learning from your mistakes. There are direct marketing groups that can help you and even full blown courses that guide you in setting up your first campaign. The internet has a lot of information ...

5 Quick Steps to “win-win” Negotiation

Negotiation is the process of bargaining that precedes an agreement. Successful negotiation generally results in a contract between the parties. Best type of negotiation is "win-win" which means both parties will be satisfied with the result."Win-Win" negotiation is about alliance not conflict. Successful negotiation results in long lasting and fruitful ...

Strategi dalam Menciptakan iklan yang Efektif dan Menarik

Sapto Handriyanto dalam ajang B’SNAP 2013 di Universitas Binus Banyak cara untuk membuat sebuah iklan agar dapat menarik perhatian banyak orang, namun tidak banyak iklan yang berusaha untuk menciptakan pelanggan. Karena tidak jarang ada iklan yang hanya mengedepankan sisi menariknya. Memang benar bahwa iklan itu harus bisa menarik perhatian orang. Iklan yang ...

Stop Trying to Appeal to Everyone – Quick Marketing Tips

One of the golden rules of successful marketing, is to identify exactly who your customer or client is, then focus exclusively on them. This is the opposite of what we see most small business owners doing. They try and be a little relevant to everyone and succeed in being directly ...

Love Mom Even More

Sundy and Indah Read Stories at Sanggar Fortune Nursery School Once the special guests arrived at Sanggar Fortune Nursery School, on February 28, 2013, the children immediately screamed with excitement. Because, in addition to sharing milk and snacks, the two special guests from Fortune also brought story books for them! Yes, before ...

Make Competition, Bow to Your Brands

The growth in trade and commerce, does not only signifies good signs for economies but also the increased competition is testing the marketers to survive. Besides all good and the bad outcomes, the need of advertising has been essential for the businesses since years. And when it comes to that, ...

Do We Really Get Consumers?

Do you remember the movie What Women Want? In the film, Mel Gibson plays an ad exec who receives the magical ability to read women’s minds and uses it to create an inspiring ad campaign for Nike aimed at women. However ludicrous the premise, the movie made a point that few ...

How to Find and Amplify Creativity?

In 2010, IBM ran a survey of 1,500 CEOs and found that the most valuable management skill was no longer "operations" or "marketing" but "creativity." Since then BCG, Accenture and other consultancies have confirmed the global skill shift. Yet, only 9% of all public and private corporations in the US ...

The Surprisingly Simple Secret of Advertising

There is a military technique described by the acronym LTD which you should know about. It stands for Laser Targeting Designators and it is basically a laser light source which is used to designate a target. In other words, by "lasing targets" – you put a marker on something so that ...

Small Business Brand Identity Strategies

"Does a brand identity matter when you are a start-up?" Sleepless nights, a staff of three to do the work of 20, and the doubters will test your stamina to survive the start-up game. Start-ups require lots more than possession of an idea. They require an uncanny drive to succeed, ...

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