
The Importance of Good Marketing Strategy in Business

A successful marketing strategy means a successful business. Marketing covers a wide range of working methods such as advertising, promotional activities, public relations, and sales. How can a business succeed? What to do first? The first thing a business has to do is to excel in creating the marketing strategies. Why? ...

How ArtificiaI Intelligence Will Change the Future of Advertising

How will technology continue to change the advertising industry? An exploration of the intersection between advertising, artificial intelligence and creativity. For most of the past decade, digital advertising has advanced considerably, with major corporations spending a majority of their marketing budgets trying to increase their online visibility. And with this, one ...

Humor in Advertising: Smart Advertising Choices?

Advertisers almost universally want to be clever in their advertising. Humor is the first thing they go for, after clever word play. Is this a good advertising strategy? The big sin in advertising and marketing is being boring. A market will forgive almost anything else. But a boring sales letter, commercial, ...

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