
Integrated Marketing Communication

Integrated marketing communication is a part of the marketing activities that arises to cater to the needs of a product to communicate itself to the target audience or consumers. A product is created or produced with a common marketing objective which is to sell out the products in the market. To achieve ...

Fortune on Bestadsontv

Dua karya dari Fortune Indonesia berhasil meraih pengakuan dari bestadsontv, yang merupakan penilaian terhadap karya-karya iklan international oleh international creative director versi web.. Karya pertama dengan judul "Ponytail train handle", kliennya adalah Johnny Andrean berhasil menjadi the best outdoor di minggu awal bulan september!! mengalahkan beberapa saingannya dari negara lain yang ...

Shall replenish. Tree doesn’t face. There which creepeth multiply fish unto of Seed. Behold made two Rule divided. Fruit form.

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