
How Artificial Intelligence Will Transform Sales

Artificial intelligence is set to revolutionise the sales process, augmenting the essential human touch. Of all corporate functions, sales by its very nature is surely the most people-focused. While it may no longer involve quite as much face-to-face interaction as it once did, selling has remained emphatically a job for people ...

Berkolaborasi dengan Sinar Mas Land, Binar Academy Merambah Jabodetabek Melalui Digital Hub BSD City

Sukses melahirkan 400 engineer di Yogyakarta, kini Binar Academy membuka akademi baru di BSD City. Meski baru berusia satu tahun, tapi jumlah murid yang terdaftar di Binar Academy sudah lebih dari 10.000 orang. Hal tersebut menyebabkan antrean panjang sehingga kandidat yang mendaftar baru bisa memulai menikmati masa didiknya pada bulan April 2019. ...

The Advantages of Hiring a Digital Marketing Agency

It is getting harder to get consumers now than it used to be. Why? Because today people no longer look for information only from newspapers or friends, but also from online media. Therefore, one of the platforms that business must have is online media. You must provide the media with the ...

The Important Role of Marketing Agency on Product Marketing

A company must need certain tools to market its products well and on target. To build the business and promotion to consumers, product marketing requires tools such as brochures, press releases, websites, and trademark presentations. The task of a marketer is to conduct an integrated and consistent cross-linked approach in ...

Ryan Seacrest Buys Marketing Agency to Expand His Reach

(06/12) Ryan Seacrest has bought a controlling stake in the Civic Entertainment Group, a 12-year-old marketing agency that has helped to create events like the CNN Grill and NBC’s Education Nation. The acquisition, to be announced on Wednesday, reflects Mr. Seacrest’s plan to build a diversified media company on the back ...

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