
How Digital Communication Has Changed Business

Our society, today, is driven by digital technology. Digital has affected all aspects of our personal lives. The common example is how the whole population is glued to the smartphones, apparently unable to do the day-to-day activities without it. And this personal trend has largely changed the way businesses work. Technology ...

The Power of Social Media to a Brand

The exponential growth of internet world today has changed the consumer behavior in Indonesia. The market is getting closer to the digital world, just as consumers are getting closely connected to one another. The media has experienced a drastic change with the presence of social media (SocMed) that has brought ...

15 Hal Baru yang Anda Dapat Temukan di Komunikasi Digital

Oleh : RIo Nurhasdy Abad ke 20 sering sekali diasosiasikan sebagai revolusi ilmu komunikasi yang kedua, setelah media cetak kini mulai terganti media digital. Abad 20 dikatakan sebagai revolusi tidak lain karena kemajuan teknologi yang dimulai dari perkembangan beberapa alat komunikasi. Sebut saja perkembangan radio yang dahulu hanya digunakan untuk militer ...

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