Develop Children's Imagination through Storytelling

IMG_8173Storytelling, though it looks simple, has many benefits for children’s development. Through storytelling, we can build a child’s imagination and creativity, instill moral values, as well as provide new knowledge for children. Moreover, the storytelling moment may become an opportunity for quality time between children and parents. Recognizing the importance of storytelling in children’s education, Sanggar Fortune along with Rajawali Corpora held a storytelling activity once again on Wednesday, February 3, 2016. This time, PAUD Sanggar Fortune three was the destination.
The children welcomed this event enthusiastically. Bagus Windaryoko, the storyteller, directly became a star among the children. Storytelling activity that morning was a part of the movement of Indonesian Families as Children’s Friends Tell stories (KITA Bercerita). The goal of this movement is to tell as many stories as possible for Indonesian children, share knowledge and noble values in fun ways, and inspire parents to tell stories. Doesn’t it sound fun? Let us tell stories (KITA Bercerita)!