
The Great Power of a Small Brochure

When it comes to promoting a product or service, recommendations to use billboards, TV or online media to advertise are often heard. However, there is one thing that can always affect your target customers, i.e. brochure. Through brochures, you can inform the consumers not only about discounts and attractive offers but ...

Success Tips to Be a Reliable Marketer

Marketer, when you read or hear this word, you might immediately think of a salesman or a saleswoman, who are often seen here and there offering goods or services from various companies. A marketer is the spearhead of a company that defines its success or failure. Marketer's primary job is ...

The Surprisingly Simple Secret of Advertising

There is a military technique described by the acronym LTD which you should know about. It stands for Laser Targeting Designators and it is basically a laser light source which is used to designate a target. In other words, by "lasing targets" – you put a marker on something so that ...

Berbagi Kasih Sayang Ala Warga Plan B

Salah satu anak perusahaan Fortune Indonesia yaitu Plan B mengadakan acara donor darah bekerjasama dengan Palang Merah Indonesia (PMI). Acara ini bertemakan “Blood For Love” karena diadakan bertepatan dengan perayaan hari kasih sayang (valentine) pada tanggal 14 februari 2013 di kantor Plan B, Jl. Jabir no. 6, Ragunan, Jakarta selatan ...

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