
Marketing Strategy vs. Marketing Plan, What's the Difference?

Oftentimes, many people confuse the difference between marketing strategy and marketing plan. We've found the easiest way to explain the difference between the two, just as follows: Marketing strategy - marketing strategy is an explanation of the goals you want to achieve with all your marketing efforts. It’s the matter of ...

Young Generation, a Potential Target for Mobile Advertising

One of the elements of marketing strategy is to analyze the target market suitable for the product or service. If by chance the main target is teenagers and young people, then marketers will have the opportunity to attract these users of the internet technology to be the audience. They also ...

Fortune Indonesia dan Universitas Paramadina Sepakat Membuat Buku IMC Bersama

Minimnya bahan rujukan dalam dunia pendidikan komunikasi Indonesia melatarbelakangi kolaborasi antara PT. Fortune Indonesia, Tbk dan Universitas Paramadina untuk membuat sebuah buku panduan Integrated Marketing Communications yang bisa dipakai baik oleh kalangan akademisi maupun praktisi. Hal ini senada dengan ucapan Citra Ramadhani, Sr. Corporate Communication Specialist Fortune Indonesia, "Karena kita concernterhadap ...

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