
How PR can Promote in Marketing your New Business

Public Relations is an important marketing tool, and should be considered carefully. It is a way of connecting with your customers, suppliers and distributors. The objectives of Marketing PR are to build awareness, raise your profile and build credibility, and encourage your staff. Here are five Marketing PR methods that ...

Strategies to Creating Great Catchy Ads

There are many ways to create an ad that attracts the attention of many people, but not many ads attempt to create customers. In fact, some of them only emphasize the aspects of attraction. There is no doubt that an ad must be able to attract people's attention. Being attractive ...

Role of Integrated Marketing Communications Agency in Business Development

In the early 1980s, the need for integrated promotional tools increased. Companies began to perform IMC process that involves various promotional elements and other marketing activities to communicate with the customers by asking advertising agencies to go beyond traditional standards of advertising. Thus, advertising agencies have welcomed the request by ...

Important Aspects to Choose the Right Social Media Marketing Agency

For a marketing and promotion company, it is important to help businesses grow. Therefore, nowadays there are more Social Media Marketing Agencies that can help companies develop their business especially through online marketing. The role of this agency is to maximize traffic from social media to promote their brands or ...

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Tips to Become a Reliable Marketer

Marketer, when you read or hear this word, you might immediately think of a salesman or a saleswoman, who are often seen here and there offering goods or services from various companies. A marketer is the spearhead of a company that defines its success or failure. Marketer's primary job is ...

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