
Increase Sales With Restaurant Marketing

There are a number of restaurants that start business but without undertaking proper marketing strategies. For restaurant branding a professional campaign is required. Only word of mouth about the restaurant service, the quality of food and its ambiance is not enough. For promoting a restaurant business you need proper marketing ...

Marketing Lessons from a Tropical Storm

The question I have for you this week is how you can create a similar sense of urgency among your prospects and customers.  "Only 3 left!"  or "On sale today only!" are just two examples of creating urgency.  However, you can intensify this effect by building a story of anticipation. ...

Countdown to Product Launch: 12 Key Steps

Millions of dollars are spent developing and launching new products each year, but the reality is only 10 percent will succeed. While this has been the accepted norm and considered the "cost of doing business," a new approach unveiled at Nielsen's U.S. Consumer 360 conference improves the likelihood of new ...

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