
The Power of Social Media to a Brand

The exponential growth of internet world today has changed the consumer behavior in Indonesia. The market is getting closer to the digital world, just as consumers are getting closely connected to one another. The media has experienced a drastic change with the presence of social media (SocMed) that has brought ...

Pemasaran Konten di Media Sosial Untuk Keberhasilan Waralaba

Dalam dekade terakhir, keberadaan internet memberikan andil yang cukup besar dalam pembangunan sebuah merek, tak terkecuali merek waralaba. Penting sekali bagi para pemilik waralaba untuk memperhatikan minat konsumennya. APJII (Asosiasi Pengguna Jasa Internet Indonesia) menyebutkan bahwa pengguna internet di Indonesia mencapai jumlah 71,19 juta jiwa pada tahun 2013. Selain itu ...

Marketing Strategy vs. Marketing Plan, What's the Difference?

Oftentimes, many people confuse the difference between marketing strategy and marketing plan. We've found the easiest way to explain the difference between the two, just as follows: Marketing strategy - marketing strategy is an explanation of the goals you want to achieve with all your marketing efforts. It’s the matter of ...

In Search of High Marketing Tools

The marketing tools can come in various forms and advertising is one of them. However, advertising can be a problem if the company does not have sufficient budget. But marketers do not need to worry because there is an affordable advertising tool which is mobile advertising, a form of advertising ...

5 Effective Tips for Hospital Marketing Communications

The growing health awareness of the consumers and the increasing need for good health services have made marketers in the hospital industry think harder to find ways to attract patients. In Indonesia, this should become a special concern, given the very intensive marketing efforts undertaken by the hospital industry in ...

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