
Tips to Become a Reliable Negotiator

The negotiator is a type of job fields. However, at times, someone in a company needs negotiation skills for certain purposes. Winning business negotiation is a good start for a company. A company should have reliable negotiators for they are valuable assets. Reliable negotiators can achieve the initial objective of ...

Increasing Profits through Consumer Insight

To develop and launch a brand, a brand marketer needs consumer insights to know and set up segmentation, target, and effective positioning. Therefore, it takes a collection of data to help analyze how the target consumers see something and what matters most to them. If we have this kind of ...

The Effectiveness of Social Media in Building Brand Awareness

Nowadays social media have become part of the world's lifestyle. We oftentimes hear that social media trends such as twitter, facebook and youtube have been so inseparable from our daily life that even television news today refers to social media. Social networking sites are media for social interaction with friendship ...

Content Marketing Strategy for a Smooth-Running Online Business

With today's technology development, advertisers promote their products not only via television and print ads but they also begin to use social media channels. Online business becomes very effective to market goods or products due to the increasing number of internet users worldwide. Since the number of competitors in online ...

Role of Integrated Marketing Communications Agency in Business Development

In the early 1980s, the need for integrated promotional tools increased. Companies began to perform IMC process that involves various promotional elements and other marketing activities to communicate with the customers by asking advertising agencies to go beyond traditional standards of advertising. Thus, advertising agencies have welcomed the request by ...

Important Aspects to Choose the Right Social Media Marketing Agency

For a marketing and promotion company, it is important to help businesses grow. Therefore, nowadays there are more Social Media Marketing Agencies that can help companies develop their business especially through online marketing. The role of this agency is to maximize traffic from social media to promote their brands or ...

Marketing vs. Advertising, What's the Difference?

You will often find many people who confuse marketing with advertising or vice versa. Although both activities are equally important, they are basically different. If you understand the difference and actively make a research, then your company has been on the right path to growth. Let's start examining the formal definition ...

The Role of Social Media in Business Marketing Strategies

Social brand recognition, public engagement, social advertising, and ROI are a few of the components that a brand needs to consider or when entering into the social media realm. Social networking, where clients or consumers interact, becomes a tool for a brand to reach its audience. Utilizing social media channels like ...
advertising agency indonesia

The Development of Advertising Agencies in Indonesia

advertising agency indonesia Advertising companies are increasingly prevalent in Indonesia along with the technological development and globalization with a fast business cycle. Advertising companies are required to think fast, smart, innovative, and creative so that the clients will be satisfied and the agency will receive multiple benefits of its works. ...

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