
The Importance of Measuring Customer Satisfaction

In today's business condition where the competition level is high, the product and service differentiation is also high, the customer satisfaction and loyalty become very crucial. For a company, customer satisfaction and loyalty are very important to increase profits so that the company can always maintain good relations with customers. ...

How Social Media Impacts Brand Marketing

Consumers are spending more time than ever using social media, as demonstrated in theSocial Media Reportrecently published by Nielsen and NM Incite, a Nielsen/McKinsey company. Building on this report, research by NM Incite helps uncover what impacts social media may have for marketers trying to build their brands and connect ...

Role of Merchandising in Today's Advertising

What part does merchandising play in today's advertising? It is undoubtedly assuming an increased and even new importance. This is in large measure due to the self-service trend in more and more retail stores. This trend has reached the point where "take-it-off-the-rack-at-Klein's" type of selling dominates the food and variety ...

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