
What Is Brand Design?

Before we can define brand design we must first define what a brand is. A brand is the gut feeling of a customer when they think of your company. Intuitively, brand design is anything that assist in the creation of that gut feeling. So whatever feelings your customers have about ...

Why Logos Are Important?

Why Logos Are Important? That's a question that big companies pay millions and millions of dollars to advertising companies to help bolster their branding so that consumers like you and me will remember who they are and to buy their products.  Logo's are like good slogans or good jingles.  Everybody ...

Brand Components

Nike, Apple, Coke. Each company is instantly recognizable, all because of one thing: their brand. These large companies, and others like them, have spent uncountable dollars to make this happen. But powerful brand recognition isn't something reserved for mega-corporations, and in many ways is more important for the small business ...

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