
Strategi dalam Menciptakan iklan yang Efektif dan Menarik

Sapto Handriyanto dalam ajang B’SNAP 2013 di Universitas Binus Banyak cara untuk membuat sebuah iklan agar dapat menarik perhatian banyak orang, namun tidak banyak iklan yang berusaha untuk menciptakan pelanggan. Karena tidak jarang ada iklan yang hanya mengedepankan sisi menariknya. Memang benar bahwa iklan itu harus bisa menarik perhatian orang. Iklan yang ...

The Kind of Advertisement That Grabs People's Attention

In this increasingly sophisticated world, creating ads seems to be much easier for us. Ads can be produced for either print, electronic, or other media. So, what kind of ads can attract the attention of many visitors? Generally, every ad attracts visitors, yet it depends on how attractive we make our ...

Top 10 Secrets of the Marketing Process

Don’t run out of money. It will take longer time and more expenses to spread your ideas. Manage your budget or failure is on your way. You won’t get it right the first time. Your campaign might need to be rediscovered, adjusted or unified. The most accessible option does not ...

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