
Reasons We Should Hire A Digital Agency

For many people, the digital agency concept could be a new thing. This is an internet company that is helpful for businesses that need help while they are putting their business online. Here are some of the reasons why businesses should get the services of a digital agency instead of ...

Super Advertising via Social Media

Nowadays, to run product promotions, advertisers not only use online television and websites as the media but they also start using the social media channels. They begin to use platforms like Facebook and Twitter to interact with their customers through the comments and tweets shared by their customers, while at ...

The Importance of Using SEO With Digital Agency

Are you an entrepreneur looking for promotional services for a product or a brand? You must have heard online promotional media that marketers and all market players love. Nowadays, you do not need to worry about losing or not being viewed by consumers, because digital media agencies are ready to ...

Increasing Profits through Consumer Insight

To develop and launch a brand, a brand marketer needs consumer insights to know and set up segmentation, target, and effective positioning. Therefore, it takes a collection of data to help analyze how the target consumers see something and what matters most to them. If we have this kind of ...
advertising agency indonesia

The Development of Advertising Agencies in Indonesia

advertising agency indonesia Advertising companies are increasingly prevalent in Indonesia along with the technological development and globalization with a fast business cycle. Advertising companies are required to think fast, smart, innovative, and creative so that the clients will be satisfied and the agency will receive multiple benefits of its works. ...

Fortune Indonesia Berencana Rambah Bisnis Mobile Advertising

JAKARTA (IndoTelko) – PT Fortune Indonesia Tbk (FORU) akan masuk ke bisnis mobile advertising sebagai salah satu strategi menopang pendapatan. “Nanti ada mitra yang digandeng. Di Fortune global, pengembangan mobile advertising ini sudah berkembang di India, lalu mereka melihat pasar Indonesia,” ungkap Direktur Utama Fortune Indonesia Aris Boediharjo, kemarin. Diperkirakannya, layanan terbaru ...

Communicating Amidst the Economic Downturn

Whatever economic conditions are current, consumers still have to eat, drink, buy soap, and go to restaurants. Consumers also still go traveling and save money in the bank. Where are their preferences? It depends on which brand is the most interesting in the condition of the economic downturn. So, communicating ...

Word-of-Mouth Marketing in the Digital Age

The advancement of technology that leads to the emergence of social media in today's digital age has changed the way consumers receive marketing messages and perceive advertising. The whole process of buying a product has changed, and traditional advertising has begun to lose its meaning and influence. To some extent, Paid ...

15 Hal Baru yang Anda Dapat Temukan di Komunikasi Digital

Oleh : RIo Nurhasdy Abad ke 20 sering sekali diasosiasikan sebagai revolusi ilmu komunikasi yang kedua, setelah media cetak kini mulai terganti media digital. Abad 20 dikatakan sebagai revolusi tidak lain karena kemajuan teknologi yang dimulai dari perkembangan beberapa alat komunikasi. Sebut saja perkembangan radio yang dahulu hanya digunakan untuk militer ...

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