
How Artificial Intelligence Will Transform Sales

Artificial intelligence is set to revolutionise the sales process, augmenting the essential human touch. Of all corporate functions, sales by its very nature is surely the most people-focused. While it may no longer involve quite as much face-to-face interaction as it once did, selling has remained emphatically a job for people ...

5 Steps to Effective Media Planning

In this ever-cluttered marketplace, many advertisers are making a critical mistake. They focus too heavily on budget when developing their campaigns and completely neglect something far more important: their media plan. For your campaigns to be successful and your messages to make the right impact, much thought should be given ...

5 Strategies for Effective Digital Media Planning

Digital media have given advertisers new levels of precision and relevancy and created the potential for deep customer engagement. The Internet is an exciting convergence of classic and new media formats that offer a wealth of channels to choose from and a change in the tracking and accountability of marketing. ...

Humor in Advertising: Smart Advertising Choices?

Advertisers almost universally want to be clever in their advertising. Humor is the first thing they go for, after clever word play. Is this a good advertising strategy? The big sin in advertising and marketing is being boring. A market will forgive almost anything else. But a boring sales letter, commercial, ...

The Power of Social Media to a Brand

The exponential growth of internet world today has changed the consumer behavior in Indonesia. The market is getting closer to the digital world, just as consumers are getting closely connected to one another. The media has experienced a drastic change with the presence of social media (SocMed) that has brought ...

Advertising Humor: Smart Advertising Choice?

Many advertisers want to use smart ads to promote their products. Humor becomes the very next choice they take after a smart word game. So, is humor the right ad strategy? One of the big sins in advertising and marketing is a boring promotion. Potential customers may forgive other flaws but ...

Kiat Membangun Social Media Marketing yang Efektif

social media network background with icons vector Seiring dengan berkembangnya trend sosial media, para pebisnis mulai menyadari bahwa sosial media adalah hal penting yang dapat menyaingi kombinasi dari network marketing dan traditional advertising. Dengan social media marketing ini Anda dapat memperkenalkan brand secara luas serta memperkuat pangsa pasarnya. Sama halnya seperti strategi marketing lainnya, Anda hanya akan berhasil meraup ...

Powerful Tricks to Promote Your Business through Social Media

Traditional promotional strategies through radio, TV commercials and print ads are not as effective as they used to be. Since technology and communications keep changing and evolving, companies must always adapt their marketing strategies to the current state of affairs. This article will describe the social media campaign strategy and ...

Meningkatkan Profit melalui Consumer Insight

Untuk mengembangkan dan meluncurkan sebuah brand, seorang brand marketer membutuhkan consumer insight untuk mengetahui serta menyusun segmentasi, target dan positioning yang tepat sasaran. Oleh sebab itu, dibutuhkan kumpulan data yang menganalisis bagaimana cara target konsumen berpikir dan hal apa yang benar-benar dirasa penting oleh mereka. Jika memiliki insight seperti ini, kita dapat menciptakan sebuah produk atau brand yang yang saling menguntungkan ...

5 Tren Memaksimalkan Strategi Marketing pada Bisnis Anda

Tidak diragukan lagi, pemasar selalu menatap masa depan untuk memprediksi tren besar berikutnya yang dapat meningkatkan brand mereka ke tingkat yang lebih tinggi. Anda harus membentuk strategi pemasaran agar tetap selalu update, sehingga dapat terus digunakan bagi bisnis Anda. Ini sedikit rumit untuk dipahami tapi tentu saja dapat dipelajari. Kini ...

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