
Unearthing Creativity by Sharing a lot and Being Curious

Communication concept ala Miko and Erry in the UNS visit to Fortune Indonesia Who says that sharing and being curious are only for those who are in love? As creative people, these two things are also necessary! This is delivered by Dwi Jatmiko as Creative Director and Erry Firmangus as Creative ...

Teaching Numbers with Apple as the Prop

Counting Lesson in Sanggar Fortune Nursery School with Ayunda "Let's say it together, what is this number?" said the Junior Brand Consultant of Verbrand team of Fortune PR, Ayunda Eka Pratama, loudly. About ten children sitting cross-legged in front of her immediately responded in chorus, "Zero!" And they all laughed and ...

Tips Membuat Artikel Web atau Blog Yang Menarik dan Unik

Membuat konten artikel adalah semacam suatu keharusan ketika anda mempunyai blog atau web, entah itu milik pribadi atau pihak lain. Diperlukan sebuah artikel yang menarik dan unik agar para pengguna internet mengarah ke website atau blog anda. Konten adalah raja. Kutipan ini bukan hanya omong kosong, tapi benar adanya. Sebuah ...

Shall replenish. Tree doesn’t face. There which creepeth multiply fish unto of Seed. Behold made two Rule divided. Fruit form.

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