
The Power of Social Media to a Brand

The exponential growth of internet world today has changed the consumer behavior in Indonesia. The market is getting closer to the digital world, just as consumers are getting closely connected to one another. The media has experienced a drastic change with the presence of social media (SocMed) that has brought ...

Content Marketing Tools Terbaik bagi Sebuah Brand

Content marketing membantu sebuah Brand untuk menggaet para konsumen dengan cara menciptakan dan menyebarkan berbagai content yang relevan dan berharga. Tetapi untuk membangun sebuah content marketing agar dapat bersaing dalam lingkungan kompetitor yang semakin marak dibutuhkan sebuah perangkat yang tepat agar dapat memudahkan pekerjaan Anda. Jadi sudah waktunya untuk berpikir seperti seorang marketer untuk menawarkan content yang berisi dan ...

Mobile Advertising Features

The mobile advertising industry has achieved significant results in recent years. Studies have proven that the number of phones sold increases every year. Mobile phones have become a personal tool for everyone regardless of age, gender, or income level. Below are some features of mobile advertising: The mobile phone offers a ...

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