
The Importance of Good Marketing Strategy in Business

A successful marketing strategy means a successful business. Marketing covers a wide range of working methods such as advertising, promotional activities, public relations, and sales. How can a business succeed? What to do first? The first thing a business has to do is to excel in creating the marketing strategies. Why? ...

The Advantages of Having Engaging Ads

Advertisements are everywhere, but not all ads are successful ones. Each advertising method has its own advantages. All advertisers certainly strive to achieve positive results. In addition to the apparent advantages such as the increased sales and revenue, successful advertisements or advertising campaigns generate other significant things to keep your ...


Dalam sebuah acara, Tony Robbins bertanya kepada para peserta, Siapa di sini yang pernah gagal? Apa yang menyebabkan kegagalan tersebut? Para peserta pun berteriak satu persatu: Saya tidak punya uang. Saya salah merekrut orang. Tim saya tidak mampu. Saya tidak punya keahlian. Boss saya tidak punya kemampuan. Perusahaan saya payah. Presiden kita tidak mampu. Tony pun berkata, Uang, ...

Shall replenish. Tree doesn’t face. There which creepeth multiply fish unto of Seed. Behold made two Rule divided. Fruit form.

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