
Pentingnya Menerapkan Konsep Komunikasi Pemasaran Terpadu bagi Bisnis Anda

Saat ini perkembangan di bidang pemasaran telah jauh melebihi metode pemasaran tradisional yang ada seperti interaksi dengan konsumen, consumer driven sampai dengan social marketing yang mulai menyebar luas. Hal semacam ini sering disebut sebagai komunikasi pemasaran terpadu atau Integrated Marketing Communications (IMC). IMC telah mengantarkan era baru di mana pemasar memadukan pesan komunikasi dari seluruh saluran ...

Tren Iklan Digital Berpeluang Naik

TEMPO.CO, Jakarta - PT Fortune Indonesia Tbk optimistis kinerjanya akan membaik memasuki 2016. Direktur Indira Abidin mengatakan pertumbuhan pendapatan bisa bertahan di angka dua digit. Sebelumnya, perusahaan sudah bisa mencapai target pertumbuhan di level dua digit. "Saya tidak bisa memberikan angkanya secara pasti," ucapnya di gedung Bursa Efek Indonesia, Jakarta, Senin, 18 ...

The Communication Mix

Incorporate these for effective coverage. First off, I’m going to list the thirteen factors of the communications mix. Then, I will provide a brief explanation and example of each factor. The communication mix is comprised of the following thirteen factors: Selling (Personal Selling) Advertising Sales promotion Direct marketing Publicity and public relations Sponsorship Exhibitions Packaging Point-of-sale merchandising Word of mouth Internet/Social Media ...

Developing a Marketing Communications Strategy

Raising awareness of your product in your target market is where sales begin, and this is where marketing communications activities begin the selling process. With today's multiple channels for content to reach potential customers, the art and science of marketing communications has become increasingly important. The marketing communications function (commonly called "marcom") ...

Marketing vs. Advertising: What's the Difference?

You will often find that many people confuse marketing with advertising or vice versa. While both components are important they are very different. Knowing the difference and doing your market research can put your company on the path to substantial growth. Let's start off by reviewing the formal definitions of each ...

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