
Top 5 Trends in Sport Marketing

Sports bring together millions of people at one time. For marketers, sports is something which gives access to a large customer base at one time. With the advent of newer technology, sports has become a huge business today. Sports marketers are constantly adopting the ever-changing technology and coming out with ...

Tips to Create an Effective Social Media Marketing

With the advancement of social media today, business people begin to realize that social media is an important tool that can rival the combination of network marketing and traditional advertising. With social media marketing, you can introduce a brand widely and strengthen its market share. Just like any other marketing ...

Advertising Humor: Smart Advertising Choice?

Many advertisers want to use smart ads to promote their products. Humor becomes the very next choice they take after a smart word game. So, is humor the right ad strategy? One of the big sins in advertising and marketing is a boring promotion. Potential customers may forgive other flaws but ...

Powerful Tricks to Promote Your Business through Social Media

Traditional promotional strategies through radio, TV commercials and print ads are not as effective as they used to be. Since technology and communications keep changing and evolving, companies must always adapt their marketing strategies to the current state of affairs. This article will describe the social media campaign strategy and ...

Creative Ideas for Product Promotion

A creative idea usually comes up from a person’s hectic routines, from observing the surrounding people, or searching for a gap whether or not an idea is good and realizable. In this era, people from all walks of life can come up with very creative ideas for there are demands ...

Alasan Mengapa Anda Harus Menggunakan Digital Agency

Bagi kebanyakan orang sekarang ini, konsep Digital Agency bukanlah menjadi suatu hal baru. Digital Agency adalah sebuah perusahaan yang menyediakan jasa untuk membantu bisnis yang memerlukan bantuan saat mereka menjalankan bisnis online mereka. Inilah beberapa alasan mengapa bisnis harus mendapatkan layanan dari sebuah digital agency yang memiliki jasa menyeluruh serta ...

Efektivitas Social Networking bagi Aktivitas Pemasaran

Saat ini salah satu tools yang digunakan oleh pemasar yang bertujuan untuk meningkatkan aktivitas pemasaran yaitu dengan menggunakan social networking.  Social networking yang terdiri dari Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Fan Page, serta media yang lainnya, memberikan peranan yang penting yaitu untuk membangun sebuah hubungan dengan konsumen secara personal. Social Networking merupakan sebuah komunitas atau wadah sebagai tempat berkumpulnya individu-individu ...

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