
Sanggar Fortune 3 Share Holiday Stories

"I went to Anyer!", "I was invited to Grandma's house, her house is in... faaar away...", "I went to Jonggol!", "He meant The Jungle...", chirped the students of PAUD Sanggar Fortune 3  one after another, when they are asked about their holiday activities. This time the Early Childhood Education Center (PAUD) located ...

Silaturahmi to Strengthen Relationships with Partners

8Sanggar Fortune held a silaturahmi (friendly meeting) on Tuesday, August 18, 2015 in Agus Salim room, Gedung Galaktika by inviting all teachers of Early Childhood Education Centers (PAUD) fostered by Sanggar Fortune as well as partners including Komunitas Rumah Pencerah, Rajawali Corpora, and Rajawali Foundation. The event was also attended by ...

Fortune PR Mewakili Indonesia Memenangkan Penghargaan SABRE yang Bergengsi di Kancah Asia Pasifik

-Fortune PR berhasil meraih dua penghargaan di ajang Asia-Pacific SABRE Awards 2015- Jakarta, 25 September 2015 – Perusahaan konsultan komunikasi terkemuka di Indonesia, PT Fortune Pramana Rancang (Fortune PR), hari ini mengumumkan keberhasilan perusahaan menjadi satu-satunya konsultan komunikasi dari Indonesia yang berhasil meraih penghargaan “Gold SABRE” di ajang Asia-Pacific SABRE Awards ...

Fortune Indonesia Dinobatkan sebagai Agency of The year di Ajang Pinasthika Creativestival 2015

Jakarta, 21 September 2015 – Fortune Indonesia berhasil dinobatkan sebagai Bawana Agency of The Year pada ajang tahunan Pinasthika Creativestival 2015 yang digelar Sabtu malam, 19 September 2015 di Taman Budaya Yogyakarta. Di ajang penghargaan dan kompetisi kreatif anak negeri ini Fortune Indonesia juga berhasil menyabet Best of The Best ...


Jakarta, September 3, 2015 - After previously managed to grab four awards in MIX Agency of the Year 2015, the integrated communications group PT Fortune Indonesia Tbk. gained other achievements by winning nine nominations in SABRE Awards 2015. Fortune Group became the only local communications consulting firm that is listed in ...

FORU Relays the Leadership

 Jakarta, September 8, 2015 – Annual Shareholders Meeting of The group of integrated communications PT Fortune Indonesia Tbk. decided to relay the leadership by promoting Aris Boediharjo as President Director, Indira Abidin as Director and Corporate Secretary, and Yuliana Leonarda as Director. The new Board of Fortune Group Commissioners consists ...

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