Sanggar Fortune 3 Share Holiday Stories

6“I went to Anyer!”, “I was invited to Grandma’s house, her house is in… faaar away…”, “I went to Jonggol!”, “He meant The Jungle…”, chirped the students of PAUD Sanggar Fortune 3  one after another, when they are asked about their holiday activities. This time the Early Childhood Education Center (PAUD) located in Lenteng Agung area got the turn to be the host of Warga Mengajar on August 26, 2015.
Besides asking the students to talk about their activities during the holiday, the teachers also told the students about useful activities that can be done at home during holiday, such as helping parents, cleaning the house, and so forth. “Eja likes to accompany mommy to Pasar Kambing (goat market), and then we take a look around for toys. It’s fun!” chirped Reza, one of the students, which was then greeted with the laughter of friends and teachers.
The activity that morning was also completed with a tale about the squirrel and the rabbit told by Niken Puspitasari, (Art Director of Fortune Indonesia) who got the turn to teach that day. The students were listening carefully. Through this tale, Niken told PAUD students not to be lazy or procrastinate.

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