
The Global Rise of The Cashless Store

Big retailers like Starbucks and Amazon are testing cashless, and even cashierless, store models to cope with demands for speed and convenience from their customers. New Worldpay research also indicates bank transfers are set to overtake credit and debit cards as the second most popular global payment method behind e-wallets. Like ...

Komunikasi Unik ala CEO Starbucks

Biasanya komik hanya bercerita tentang pahlawan super. Superman, Batman, Spiderman,Incredible Hulk, Captain America. Namun, beberapa waktu yang lalu sebuah komik tentang Howard Schultz diluncurkan. Howard bukan pahlawan dengan kekuatan super. Ia hanya manusia biasa yang mampu membangun salah satu merek terkuat di muka bumi ini. Komik yang digarap oleh Blueprint Production ...

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