
How To Build an Effective Influencer Marketing Strategy

The digital marketing landscape is constantly changing. Today, it is nearly impossible to distribute content without an influencer marketing strategy. By aligning your marketing strategy with the right professionals, you open the door to more collaborative content creation efforts, co-opting ideas from chatter across a wider online network. Marketers have caught ...

5 Social Media Marketing Trends That Will Dominate 2019

It’s that time of year again when marketers are asking, “What will be the biggest social media marketing trends of 2019?” And after a year of unexpected algorithm updates and data breaches, it’s understandable why marketers would be looking for any insights that would prevent them from being blindsided again. So ...

Pentingnya Membenahi Strategi Social Media Marketing

Media sosial tidak hanya telah menjadi bagian dari kehidupan masyarakat, tetapi juga bagian dari strategi komunikasi merek. Nah, jika selama ini Anda baru sebatas melakukannya dengan Facebook atau sesekali mengirimkan tweet, sekaranglah waktunya mulai meningkatkan upaya tersebut. American Express merilis hasil survei yang menggarisbawahi pentingnya pertumbuhan termasuk dalam bauran pemasaran media sosial Anda. Seperempat dari konsumen ...

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