
Develop Brand Loyalty

Brand Loyalty is the mantra of any successful business.In today's increasing global market where the consumers have enough choice to get confused brand loyalty is the only thing that can help a company to survive.In fact it is the ultimate goal of any company. When a customer develops brand loyalty ...

Truth In Advertising

Advertisers and marketers continue to search for that one amazing thing that will improve results. And over the years, the industry has gone back and forth over what actually makes a successful ad. These theories have included: Lots of copy Minimal copy No copy at all Clever images Visual puns Product demonstrations Witty headlines No humor at all Repeating the ...

The World of Advertising Will Keep Growing

Smartphones have developed exponentially these days. They are made more sophisticated with the price that more people can afford. The accelerometer and touchscreen technology is a part of this new technology on smartphones. This technology is important for the app ads. With the existing technological advancements, we can combine interactivity with ...

A Creative Agency For Advertising

A truly creative agency can take your company to the next level. We're not talking about the old and stale agency that promises you the world with one marketing campaign or billboard. We're talking about a creative agency that will go to the ends of the earth to find out ...

Internet Marketing Trends for 2013

A new year is coming. And with it comes a chance for business owners and marketers to evaluate what they’re doing, uncover what’s not working, and focus on the new trends that are worth their attention. As 2013 approaches, below are five Internet marketing trends for small business owners to focus ...

Asia leads in number of connected TV homes

With more than 420 million non-terrestrial TV connections across Asia-Pacific, there are more multi-channel TV connections in the region compared to the rest of the world combined, according to the latest figures from digital multi-channel association CASBAA. There has been a 12% increase in the number of connected homes, as well ...

Integrated Marketing – What is it and Why is it Important?

Integrated marketing is the holistic approach to communication in marketing. It's making sure that you are being consistent in your marketing both online and offline. Consistency is key in making sure that consumers understand your marketing message which leads to a great result and return on your investment. The Integrated ...

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