
Advertising Get Personals

Shared experiences can shape our perception of a product. Our opinion of a product and the enjoyment and value we get from it doesn’t just come from our personal contact with it. How we perceive an iPhone, for example, is influenced by what we know about a brand — in ...

Branding Your Retail Store

Creating your identity can be a real challenge. Your brand image is what people feel and think when your store comes to mind. You'll need to conform your services and products to the image that you choose, so choose wisely. Consider what types of items you want to sell. Consider ...

When Ads Gets (Too) Personal

The other day I watched my first episode of Mad Men. I'm a little late to the game, I know, but that's what having Netflix, Hulu Plus, and Comcast on Demand are for. The irony of using anytime, commercial-free media to watch advertisers work in a world with only three television channels ...

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