
Media Planning Vs Media Buying: Which Is More Important?

Media planning is an act of creating a plan that will make the advertisement successful, while media buying is related to the task of buying space and time slots in various media platforms. Media planning and buying are processes associated with the negotiating, strategizing and purchasing of ad placements, otherwise ...

Above The Line Vs Below The Line

Marketing for me has always been about never putting your eggs in one marketing basket, the mix is what it’s all about and finding multiple channels to drive engagement have always proved successful. A strategy where you can monitor results is safer and can justify a marketing spend but is ...

Humor in Advertising: Smart Advertising Choices?

Advertisers almost universally want to be clever in their advertising. Humor is the first thing they go for, after clever word play. Is this a good advertising strategy? The big sin in advertising and marketing is being boring. A market will forgive almost anything else. But a boring sales letter, commercial, ...

The Advantages of Having Engaging Ads

Advertisements are everywhere, but not all ads are successful ones. Each advertising method has its own advantages. All advertisers certainly strive to achieve positive results. In addition to the apparent advantages such as the increased sales and revenue, successful advertisements or advertising campaigns generate other significant things to keep your ...

Mendukung Bisnis Online Online Melalui Iklan Offline

Tingkatkan Traffic. Hasilkan penjualan. Naikkan profit. Bagi bisnis yang menggunakan website, kata-kata di atas adalah pemacu semangat. Tapi sejumlah pengusaha malah tak berhasil mewujudkannya. Hal ini karena ada semacam kode tak tertulis dalam iklan melalui web. Anda hanya akan berhasil di internet jika Anda menggunakan metode iklan online seperti search engine, banner ...

The Importance of Creative Team in Advertising Industry

An advertisement is meant to introduce a product to increase the sales in the best possible way through the provided media. Commonly advertising agencies use television to advertise. Why does television become an important medium for advertising? Because television has a large number of spectators and it is very effective ...

The Importance of Measuring Customer Satisfaction

In today's business condition where the competition level is high, the product and service differentiation is also high, the customer satisfaction and loyalty become very crucial. For a company, customer satisfaction and loyalty are very important to increase profits so that the company can always maintain good relations with customers. ...

Strategies to Creating Great Catchy Ads

There are many ways to create an ad that attracts the attention of many people, but not many ads attempt to create customers. In fact, some of them only emphasize the aspects of attraction. There is no doubt that an ad must be able to attract people's attention. Being attractive ...

Marketing vs. Advertising, Apa Bedanya?

Anda mungkin sering menemukan banyak orang sulit membedakan antara marketing dengan advertising atau sebaliknya. Walaupun kedua ilmu tersebut sama-sama penting, tapi sangatlah berbeda. Jika Anda memahami perbedaannya dan rajin melakukan riset maka perusahaan sudah berada dalam jalur yang tepat untuk bertumbuh. Mari kita mulai dengan meneliti definisi formal dari keduanya, lalu ...

Keuntungan Memiliki Iklan Yang Sukses

Iklan ada di mana-mana, tapi tidak semua iklan adalah iklan yang sukses. Masing-masing metode periklanan memiliki keuntungan sendiri, ada hasil positif yang semua pengiklan pada umumnya berusaha untuk mencapai. Selain keuntungan jelas seperti peningkatan penjualan dan pendapatan, iklan atau kampanye periklanan yang sukses menghasilkan hal-hal lain yg penting untuk mempertahankan ...

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