
SEO and Branding – Which Drives Which?

There's ongoing debate about the roles of branding and search engine optimization (SEO) in growing your online business. One school of thought holds that branding in the internet age is an outdated and limited concept. Being held hostage by a brand, and letting it drive your online marketing program, severely ...

How We’re Advancing Social Media Intelligence

With today's announcement of the creation of NM Incite by The Nielsen Company and McKinsey & Co. we're delivering the capabilities large companies need to understand and leverage the insights made possible by social media. I could not be more excited and energized about the opportunity to lead this venture. Throughout ...

Social Media Report: Spending Time, Money and Going Mobile

Social media not only connects consumers with each other, but also with just about every place they go and everything they watch and buy. Nielsen's new Social Media Report looks at trends and consumption patterns across social media platforms in the U.S. and other major markets, exploring the rising influence ...

Digital Habits Changing in Asia

SINGAPORE: Burson-Marsteller menemukan bahwa digital habits di kawasan Asia Pasifik telah berkembang pesat. Hal ini di karenakan mulai digunakannya sosial media dan search engine setempat atau lokal dan internasional yang melibatkan konsumen lokal. Burson-Marsteller memperkirakan ada nya 1,9juta pengguna internet di kawasan Asia Pasifik, dengan tingkat penetrasi 58%. Burson-Marsteller juga menemukan ...

Indonesia Online Advertising Expenditure Increased by 400%

The number of advertising expenditure in Indonesian online publication has been increased significantly compare to the number of 2009 “Online advertising expenditure is increased by almost 400% or around 4 percent of total advertising from all media” says media analyst from Surabaya Hendro D Laksono when discussing “Online Journalism” at Pelindo ...

Online Marketing A Necessity Not Just An Option

It's no secret online marketing is becoming a more viable marketing method than that of traditional marketing, such as television, radio and print. There are some businesses and industries that are familiar with internet and online marketing, but many businesses are finding themselves treading in new territory. Online marketing encompasses the following: Website ...

Revisiting and Revising Your Ecommerce Marketing Plan

The days are over where you build it and they come, well truthfully there never were those days. However, it used to be easier to gain traffic to your online store. Competition online is increasing. Companies are starting to realize that marketing online is not an option, but rather necessary ...

Indonesia menjadi Negara paling Reliant dalam Penggunaan Mobile Internet di ASEAN

Hampir setengah dari semua pengguna internet di Indonesia mengakses internet melalui ponsel mereka dan dipastikan jumlah ini akan meningkat. Menurut research yang dibuat oleh Nielsen, peningkatan dalam pembelian ponsel yang menggunakan fitur internet akan terjadi dalam 12 bulan ke depan. Hasil research Nielsen menemukan bahwa 48 persen pengguna internet di Indonesia ...

Six Steps to Developing Your Public Relations and Media Plan

Marketing experts will tell you that a well planned public relations campaign is often far more effective than advertising. This tutorial will assist you in developing and creating the core of your public relations campaign in six easy steps. Step 1: Define and write down your objectives for your publicity or ...

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